Lillie Briggs, 9, and Lewis Fornaro, 7, put their design skills on show for the NGV Kids on Tour program at Rochester library. Photos: Emily Donohoe
Libraries across Campaspe Shire have provided a space for the fun these school holidays, including in Rochy.
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A range of free activities have been on offer to keep the kids occupied, like movie afternoons and the National Gallery of Victoria’s Kids on Tour program.
Tuesday, January 14 was the NGV Bogong Moth Craft creation day.
Based on a painting by Wadawurrung artist Deanne Gilson, the activity gave the junior artists insight into the First Nations history of the moth, native to southern parts of Australia.
Lewis Fornaro, 7, embraced his inner fashion designer.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Wednesday, January 15 brought out the inner fashion designer, with the kids creating paper dolls and accompanying outfits.
The looks embraced colours and patterns inspired by Collective Closets’ designers and sisters Fatuma and Laurinda Ndenzako and their African roots.
On Tuesday, January 21, the library will be opening its doors for children to design their own ceramic plates at 10.30am.