New signs are expected to be installed along the Midland Hwy in Swanpool, following concerns from parents about the safety of children entering and exiting school buses each day.
State Member for Euroa, Annabelle Cleeland, raised the issue with the Minister for Roads and Road Safety during the most recent sitting week of Parliament after speaking with concerned parents in the region.
“Parents should not have to worry about the safety of their children every time they catch a bus to school,” Ms Cleeland said.
“This is an area with heavy traffic travelling at over 100km/h right next to where the bus stops, and the lack of signage has made it increasingly unsafe for young children in the area.
“By adding clearer signage at the bus stop and along the surrounding sections of road, we can ensure that drivers are aware of the bus stopping and help keep local children safe.”
Ms Cleeland said her meeting with the Minister was positive and that she looked forward to the signs being installed soon.
“The Minister has indicated that this will be resolved in the very near future, and I look forward to seeing it put into action,” Ms Cleeland said.