Mr and Mrs Ellerton have moved from Wangaratta with their six kids and are currently looking for a home. Starting only a few weeks ago, the Ellertons said they had felt “accepted and loved from the outset”.
“We love doing life with our new Church family, so the new position and new town are fantastic because we are connected with such wonderful people,” Mr Ellerton said.
Mr and Mrs Ellerton have been married for 22 years, starting their ministry life in a small country town in the south-west of Victoria where they became senior pastors before moving on to the Enjoy Church, Wangaratta, seven years later.
As spiritual leaders, the Ellertons’ vision for themselves, their family and the community is to reach lost people, not just ‘lost in faith’ people but ‘lost in life’ people.
“We are on our spiritual journey. A spiritual journey that will be community, that will be bigger than ourselves, and will be impacting and transformational,” Mr Ellerton said.
“We want to see people have the best marriages, the best families, the most joy, love, and belonging, and live with a purpose that gets them out of bed in the morning.
“If people want to come with us on this journey, as the spiritual leaders, we will be going first, making sure it's safe.
“We will be serving, directing, motivating and encouraging all who wish to come with us on this journey towards life to the full. We'll also have a lot of fun on the way.”