Following a year of preparation and research, Miss Adenubi launched her brand, TŠ Luxurious, in December last year.
She received support from Multicultural Arts Victoria’s Duniya Behter program, which launched the businesses of the program’s participants on April 13.
Miss Adenubi plans to showcase her make-up on models in the African fashion parade at the ‘A Taste of African Cultures’ festival later this year, which focuses on showcasing and promoting African businesses.
“The first time I saw the show I fell in love with the colours,” Miss Adenubi said, having been inspired to show off her make-up at the show because her mother is a fashion designer.
“People love the look on the models.”
Miss Adenubi has spent the past year researching, testing, pitching, creating a website and designing the packaging for her product.
She said commitment and consistency got her to where she was today.
One aspect of the product she didn’t budge on throughout the make-up’s development was keeping the ingredients natural.
Most of her ingredients are sourced from Italy and include shea butter, vitamin B, coconut oil and hyaluronic acid.
Miss Adenubi said the business was going well, but she was taking it one step at a time to not let it become overwhelming.
In the future, Miss Adenubi hopes her make-up is seen across the world and that she can also bring a clothing line to life.
To buy from Temi’s business or find out more, go to her website or find her on Instagram at her handle @tsluxurious.