A community group has been formed to try and save trees and preserve the town’s environment.
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It follows Edward River Council’s decision, announced this week, to proceed with controversial removal of two Plane trees in End St.
Council says it would be negligent not to remove the trees, with “public safety our number one consideration”. But that has not appeased those who oppose the tree removal.
In a statement on Tuesday, council’s interim chief executive officer Gary Arnold said: “Following its decision last year to replace two Plane trees in End St (‘Dangerous trees to go’, Pastoral Times November 19) Edward River Council commissioned a second independent arborist report to explore all options relating to managing the trees.
“The second report also recommended removal of the Plane trees and replacement with a more suitable species. It is never a popular decision to take down mature trees, but in this case it is the right decision and we would be negligent not to act.
“Public safety is our number one consideration and this decision has been made under the advice of two independent arborists and in accordance with Council’s Street Tree Management Policy.”
Opponent of the tree removal, Josephine Duffy, said she was “extremely disappointed in the decision and the lack of communication and consultation from ERC with the community. We were told there would be consultation before a decision was made,” she said.
She described the second report as “almost identical to the first … they come with no real facts, only opinion or hearsay”.
Ms Duffy said herself and another 30 people have started a community group to preserve the town’s environmental amenities.
“We want to stop the sudden loss of trees around town; pavement that is supposedly affected can be replaced and that should be the agenda, not getting rid of trees.”
Ms Duffy said she wanted to see evidence of the damage or dangers to people from the trees and described ERC’s tree policy as “inadequate”.
“There needs to be a plan moving forward in regard to these types of decisions; the community need some sort of consultation.
“Our group would welcome the opportunity to discuss other options and have a conversation, one of openness and transparency, which this process has not been.
“Independent arborist Ian McKenzie said there are many more solutions (than removing the trees),” Ms Duffy said.
She described the town’s trees as “magnificent, and part of the town’s amenity, providing shade for locals and visitors, a home for wildlife and beyond that, they’re beautiful.
“We have lost six trees from End St in the past 14 months, five Jacarandas and one Plane tree, and once again with no consultation. If ERC continues for the next 14 months the way they have the last 14, we may have no trees left around town,” she said.
Mr Arnold said council’s Open Space Team will meet with nearby property owners to discuss the process and timing of the replacement trees, expected to be in March, and seek input on the new trees to be planted.
“There are a range of trees that will be much more suited to this particular site, and will grow over time to be a wonderful addition to the street. We are looking forward to working with the property owners to choose trees that will thrive in this area.
“In the words of the arborist, having ‘the right tree in the right place’ is crucial to ensuring sustainable specimens that can thrive in urban zones while not causing damage to nearby buildings and streets,” Mr Arnold said.