
Nanneella Estate Primary School vintage car rally

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Brush: Lena Daley next to a classic design made popular many years ago. Photos: Aidan Briggs Photo by Aidan Briggs
Cruising: Sav, 8, and Tannah, 9, enjoying the retro cars. Photo by Aidan Briggs
Smoking: This vintage car blows up a puff of steam. Photo by Aidan Briggs
Creative design: This colourful car stood out among the many vintage cars on display. Photo by Aidan Briggs
Lappin’ it up: Graeme Jarrett and Peter Fagan soak up all the fun on Friday. Photo by Aidan Briggs
DeDion good: Frances Hall, Ken Hall and James Dunshea having a day out at Nanneella Estate Primary School. Photo by Aidan Briggs