In 2006, Ms Grant became a registered marriage celebrant with the federal Attorney-General’s Department.
The same year, Ms Grant received a Diploma of Funeral Celebrancy.
“I wanted to fill the gap between the church weddings and registry office ones,” Ms Grant said.
“It took me a couple of years by correspondence study while working full-time at the Puckapunyal Military Area as a public servant, and as their editor and compiler of their monthly camp newsletter called The Boomerang.
“I was known as The Boomerang lady, some still call me that.
“This was also while I was working part-time for The Seymour Telegraph, The Euroa Gazette and The Nagambie Community Voices papers.”
At The Telegraph, Ms Grant also had a nickname, dubbed the ‘Hatches, Matches and Despatches Lady’.
Ms Grant said her early days in the celebrant world were busy.
“I remember having to place ads in all the papers for a while when I received my celebrancy diploma,” Ms Grant said.
“I was featured in The Telegraph’s famous bridal catalogue, printed annually with wedding photos, stories and ads.”
Throughout her nearly two decades as a celebrant, Ms Grant conducted over 80 weddings, which were primarily local, over 50 funerals and memorials, and a few naming ceremonies.
Ms Grant said she was very appreciative of the support she received from the local community and those in the industry.
“I’d like to thank those wedding and funeral industry folk who also supported me within the local district and across Victoria for over 18 years,” Ms Grant said.
“I hope to enjoy my celebrant retirement now with many wonderful memories.
“Now it is time to spend some more time for myself, my family and friends.”