One thing I have learnt in life is that the only person you can change is yourself.
Success or failure begins in your heart.
Deep down, we all want to improve ourselves in our lives, whether it be in our finances, health and fitness or the things we want to achieve.
If we are serious about change, then we need to begin by examining our hearts.
My daily prayer is ‘create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me’.
Whatever we want to build in our lives has to be built on a good foundation.
The heart of a person is its foundation.
God wants us all to be successful in life.
When we give God permission, He begins His healing and cleansing work.
He sets about pulling out the weeds we have allowed to grow in our hearts and replaces them with good seed like love, joy, patience and kindness.
This January, let’s invite God to clean up our hearts.
When we do that, whatever God gives us to accomplish in life, we will have a much better chance of success.
~ Contributed by J Robertson