Ben Vissenga, Geoff Mulham and Ros Lockhart with some freshwater river mussels found.
A successful Mussel Muster event at Billabong Creek, The Cape, Jerilderie, brought together 22 enthusiastic participants to uncover the hidden aquatic life of the creek.
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The event highlighted the ecological and cultural importance of freshwater mussels, which are considered ecosystem engineers of our creeks.
They perform a role of water filtering (nutrients, algae, silt) at a rate of 200-500mls per hour, cycling nutrients and providing food and habitat for other species such as the Murray Cod.
Across the Murray-Darling Basin, mussels are seriously threatened, with 80 per cent lost on the Darling River during the 2017-2019 drying event alongside the infamous fish kill, yet their decline went largely unnoticed.
Under the guidance of Ros Lockhart from the Jeithi Jerilderie Aboriginal Corporation, participants searched a 50m section of the creek using their feet, discovering 18 mussels.
The average size recorded was 13.5cm, with mussels found at an average depth of 72cm.
Among the findings, 13 were live and five were dead.
The species identified was the River Mussel (Alathyria jacksoni), known for its large size and flat base.
The event featured educational presentations by Ben Vissenga from Murray Local Land Services, scientific insights from Andrea Mitchell from the Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council Inc and from Mrs Lockhart who shared cultural knowledge on the significance of mussels in the local waterways.
Mrs Lockhart shared discussions she had with her own grandmother - both as a child and now - about cooking and eating mussels, before the water became “too muddy” and mussels were no longer suitable for eating.
“Before the Mussel Muster, I did some reading around the mussels culturally.
“The shells were used for scrapping and cutting. Fishing hooks were also made from the shells and the inside was used as bait for Murray cod.
“When mussels were plentiful, my Nan and Aunty Sos would paint the inside of the shell to sell.
“I don’t remember the shells having as much damage in the past as we saw at the Mussel Muster.
Helene Mortlock with a large river mussel.
“The humble mussel could be stored in a dried creek bed for extended periods of time, as they can survive up to two years buried in damp soil. This was a way that Aboriginal stored this food, for later use.
“Regarding ongoing cultural practices, the decline in the mussel numbers means I cannot in good conscience harvest or use these mussels. They are too precious to the system.
Our wants and needs are not more important than our environment. We are just the caretakers for future generations.
“The exciting thing was seeing so many people at the mussel muster with a passion to learn about the humble mussel.”
Ms Mitchell echoed the sentiments, saying the enthusiasm was so high that at least half of the participants jumped into the creek fully clothed to find mussels.
Supported by the Refreshing Rivers Program, the Mussel Muster is expected to be the first of many environmental initiatives at The Cape.
“The success of this open community event underscores the potential for future projects aimed at enhancing local knowledge and the health of the Central Billabong,’ Ms Mitchell said.