Superintendent Smith follows in the footsteps of his father Roger Smith and grandfather Roy Elliott as a recipient of the Australian Police Medal.
The medal is awarded for distinguished service by a member of an Australian police force, and is presented only twice a year — on Australia Day and in the Queen’s Birthday honours list.
Supt Smith was one of eight police officers across the nation to receive the medal two weeks ago.
And while his career of more than 33 years may have been influenced by his family, Supt Smith always saw it as a good career opportunity’.
‘‘I was only 18 when I went to the police academy and I am now in my 50s. As I have matured, my favourite part of the job has become working with the community and, ultimately, community safety,’’ he said.
‘‘I’ve managed to do a number of different jobs within the police force, being able to move to different locations and do different duties, but all still while being with the same employer has been a positive. It keeps you fresh and active.
‘‘I have also been very lucky with some of the people I have worked with over the years, not only in the police force but with other agencies and of course the communities along the way.
‘‘So I’m extremely honoured to be awarded the APM and I owe it to my colleagues, the communities I have worked in and my family.
‘‘It is also something my father, who is a retired Chief Inspector living in Deniliquin, was awarded, as was my grandfather so I am very honoured to follow on that tradition.’’
Supt Smith’s first posting was to Albury police station in 1987 and he went on to work in Mulwala, Dareton, Hay, Deniliquin, Barham, Broken Hill and Griffith.
He was awarded the APM for his many achievements and contributions to communities and the NSW Police Force within this time.
In early 2020, he transferred to the Murray River Police District (Albury), where he has been instrumental as the Forward Commander in establishing the NSW/Victoria border closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic health orders.
Supt Smith was described as an accomplished police commander who has demonstrated dedicated and exemplary police service to the NSW Police Force and to the community, particularly in rural and regional areas of the state, for over 33 years.