You know you're in safe hands when you head to Mooroopna Hardware — but, somehow, the team has found a way to make them even safer.
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Driven by staff, the store has purchased a defibrillator to be housed on-site, after a number of them used one while attaining first aid certificates.
Store manager Joey Campanelli said the employees had pushed to secure one and be a point of safety for the town.
“I thought that would be a great idea, so I spoke to our owner, Allen Hunter, who said that would be fantastic, so then we purchased one,” he said.
“All our staff will be receiving training on how to use the device that we have, but they are very easy to use — once the device is open it talks to you and tells you exactly what to do.
“After using one at their training and being told the survival rate of a heart attack when an AED (automated external defibrillator) has being used in time compared to waiting for an ambulance, the staff thought it would be good to have one.”