Men from all walks of life came together on Saturday, February 1 in the beautiful Benalla Gardens to enjoy Breakfast in the Park.
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Held on the first Saturday of each month, these Breakfasts have been running for close to a decade, and always attract a good turnout.
Benalla’s Jeff Knight said the last breakfast included 50 people who were keen to hear singer, Ray Gaunt.
“He played a number of inspiring ballads, all while sharing the journey of his fight with Prostate Cancer,” Jeff said.
“Raymo, as he is known to his friends, challenged the men to ask their doctors to include three simple letters on their blood test form.
“Those letters, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), could mean the early life-saving detection and treatment of Australia’s most commonly diagnosed cancer.
“Raymo shared his personal faith that God was looking after him all through this when everyone else, particularly the doctors, believed it was too late.”
Outdoors in summer, indoors in winter, these breakfasts are open to all men, from 8am – 9am.
They are a great start to the day, and are enjoyed as a safe space for men to talk and hear others experience and perspective on life.
You can get involved by simply going to the barbecue shelter on the west side of the Benalla Gardens at 8am on the first Saturday of the month.
Organisers request $5 from those who can afford to pay, however, if you cannot, you are still welcome.
For more information call Jeff Knight on 0407 532 674.