Ed Cox will fill the vacancy on Moira Shire Council left when elected councillor Andrew Goldman died on December 2, 2020.
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A countback of all the formal votes from the October 2020 local council election was held at 10.30 am on Monday, January 11 to fill the vacancy.This included all remaining eligible candidates who were not elected at the general election.
Mr Cox was elected following the countback.
Before the successful candidate is officially declared elected, they must complete a declaration stating they are still qualified and willing to be a councillor.
If the candidate does not return the completed declaration within 48 hours, a further countback will be required.
The countback was held by the Victorian Electoral Commission online via Cisco Webex Meetings.
Once the completed declaration has been received, countback results will be available at www.vec.vic.gov.au/voting/current-elections/moira-shire-council-countback