Local volunteers were celebrated in a collaborated effort by Yarrawonga Health (YH), MHA Care (MHA) and Yarrawonga Mulwala Community Learning Centre (YMCLC) at the Christmas Spirit luncheon sponsored by ClubMulwala on December 1.
More than 150 volunteers representing all areas of the three organisations came together to celebrate a year of volunteering across the local community, enjoying music from students from Yarrawonga College P-12 and also Christmas themed entertainment from the ‘Ukulele Ladies’.
All of these organisations are keen to speak to anyone who might like to join these teams. Training is provided as well as a supportive and friendly environment with the offer of a great opportunity to get connected to your community and meet new people.
To find out more or to get involved visit https://www.mhacare.org.au, https://www.yh.org.au/careers/volunteering, https://ymclc.edu.au.