State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland, Cr Rod Schubert and development owner Mick Stewart at the site of the new Merrigum Gardens Estate.
Photo by
Georgia Tacey
Ground has been broken on a new estate in Merrigum.
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Set to double the population of the small town, the new Merrigum Gardens Estate will bring 175 new lots to the town, with stage one of the development including 54 lots, with half of those already sold.
State Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland, City of Greater Shepparton Cr Rod Schubert and development owner Mick Stewart made the announcement in Merrigum on Monday, March 24, announcing the first new homes would be built within the next 12 months.
Ms Cleeland said the announcement of new homes as well as six new shops was a huge boost to the Merrigum community.
“This isn’t just development, it is a huge leap forward for the Merrigum community because it means homes for local families, opportunities for new businesses and jobs in our local community,” she said.
“We are in the middle of a housing shortage ... and it has been tough on many communities.
“It’s so wonderful to see this sort of development, with land available, the shops and childcare and it’s a whole community offering that makes sure we’re not without anything here in regional Victoria.”
Included in the development will be a new childcare centre, for which the land has already been purchased.
Mr Stewart said construction would begin once homes were in, within 18 months.
“Merrigum, but also really the whole surrounding region, is considered a childcare crisis, where there is either no accessible or available childcare places, or a wait list of up to two years,” Ms Cleeland said.
“We’re seeing parents having to leave Merrigum to drive into major centres like Shepparton because that’s where they’re working and so that’s where they’re seeking care, so you actually have this void and a loss of younger people from communities if your services aren’t there and accessible.”
Cr Schubert said council had played an important role in helping grow Merrigum, and said he, along with council, were excited to see the town grow.
“Merrigum’s been sort of a very laid back, very casual little town without a lot of growth, and I think this is really going to make a quantifiable difference to the whole township of Merrigum,” he said.
Merrigum Community Group president Thomas Groves welcomed the development, especially the prospect of the new shops and childcare in the town.
“It’d definitely be one of the biggest things coming to this area, if we can get this development up and running and people start coming into town, it’s going to be a game-changer for Merrigum,” he said.
“It’d be amazing for the town, to see it actually flourishing and come back to what it used to be.”
Construction on the first homes is set to begin. Pictured is state Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland, Cr Rod Schubert and development owner Mick Stewart.
Photo by
Georgia Tacey