If the age-old adage ‘’when you do good, you feel good’’ is anything to go by, Echuca’s Ben ‘Mino’ Welch should be floating on a cloud.
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The 444 Run founder recently completed nine marathons in four days, four hours and 44 minutes to raise more than $500,000 for national youth mental health organisation headspace.
The sole surviving sibling of three brothers is taking the lead on a conversation about positive mental health and regional services available for young people in rural Victorian communities to tackle this disturbing and swelling phenomena.
Ben pledged to run 380km along the Murray River — from Mildura to Echuca — to honour his two deceased brothers, Jai and Zac.
The pain of coping with the tragic loss of both brothers — his older brother, Jai, who died in the Mildura hospital after a ski racing accident at Robinvale 10 years ago and his younger brother, Zac, who died by suicide in 2022 — was undeniably the trauma fuelling Ben’s focus to complete such a gruelling physical and mental challenge.
Despite nursing a debilitating ankle injury post run, the 40-year-old builder is riding a massive high, comprehending the enormity of his achievements and the positive impact he has had on so many individuals in the rural communities he connected with along the route.
Ben presented three $183,333.33 cheques to managers of headspace centres in Echuca, Mildura and Swan Hill at a post-run celebration event, funded by Moama Bowling Club, on Friday, March 14.
‘’The money we have raised is obviously important, but a critical part of my motivation was, and will continue to be, to help people understand the importance of kids’ mental health and get them to talk about how they’re feeling and know how to ask for help when they’re struggling with life,’’ Ben said.
‘’If I can reach kids with my message and prevent them from doing what Zac did, then every single step in every single kilometre will have been worth it.
‘’I have lost count of how many people have sent me private messages — some I know and many I have never met, sharing with me their personal stories of compromised mental health.
‘’I know the pain I’ve endured tackling this challenge was immense, but I assure you it was nothing like the pain my family and I have already experienced dealing with the grief of losing my two brothers.’’
Ben said on day two when he was struggling with an early injury, tackling his second consecutive 89km day, he knew everyone was thinking he wasn’t going to make it through the pain.
But he just kept thinking about his brothers and how they would never get this opportunity and so many hours and hours of training he had invested in the lead-up.
‘’I recited one of my favourite quotes over and over in my mind — ‘I haven’t come this far to only come this far’,’’ he said.
Battling extreme heat with temperatures above 40ºC, Ben said those last 30km on day two were the deepest he has ever had to dig in his life.
Testimony to the power of mateship and unspoken camaraderie in its finest form, Ben attributed his remarkable ability to soldier on that day to a boost he felt after the surprise arrival (in the middle of the Murray Valley Hwy) of his best mate, ‘Crozzy’, who flew in from Darwin that morning, and a lifelong mentor in Brett Sands who ran by his side every step.
‘’They told me to run when I could and walk if I had to, and Jayde (my wife) and Ollie who were on the bikes never left my back and never once said I should consider stopping,’’ Ben said.
Ben’s message to himself at this critical make-or-break moment was emphatically, ‘’there is always more in the tank … we are all capable of so much more’’.
‘’You just need to find the way into your reserves,’’ he said.
‘’My way was through the people around me — backing me in — never once wavering or deviating from the goal. Choose your people wisely.’’
Ben said he wanted to get people talking about the things we tended not to address.
Not just starting conversations but finishing them — and he has delivered on that.
From parliament to primary schools and every sporting club and health organisation in between, Mino’s Murray marathon is penetrating deeply into every crack in our community to raise awareness and hope for suicide prevention and early intervention.
headspace Echuca centre manager Meaghan Sully said each year, two in five young people experienced a mental health difficulty, and 75 per cent of mental health disorders emerged before a person turned 25.
Sadly, suicide is still the leading cause of death for young people in Australia, though early intervention can significantly reduce the impact and duration of mental health concerns.
Meaghan said Ben’s mental health run and the sharing of his personal story had played an important role in promoting mental health, breaking down barriers and reducing stigma, and promoting connection and engagement with appropriate support.
The 444 Run donation is the largest single donation made to the Echuca headspace centre since it opened three years ago.
Meaghan said Ben’s openness about his adversity and grief was moving and resonated with many people, making his messaging even more powerful — encouraging people to look out for themselves and their mates, to have the difficult conversations, to support one another and to reach out for help when needed.
‘’The level of community support and generous donations and sponsorship Ben received is a testimony to this,’’ she said.
‘’Ben’s efforts have touched the lives of many and will continue to make a difference to the lives of our young community over the years to come.
‘’We can often feel alone in our experience of mental health difficulties, which can be challenging, and it’s important to make space for talking our feelings and challenges through with others — whether this be in our family and personal networks or with a professional service.’’
Murray Primary Health Network chief executive Matt Jones said the 444 run was an admirable example of leadership — inspiring and connecting communities to support those among us that are most in need.
‘’Mino’s efforts have created a life-changing legacy that will help many people, in many communities, in so many ways over a long period,’’ he said.
Ben’s 444 Run legacy will continue well into the future, with plans for a 2026 fundraiser to continue generating much-needed funds for headspace.
You can follow updates on Instagram @the_444_Run and still make donations via the Gofundme page gofundme.com/f/the-444-run until the end of the month.
headspace staff can support young people with their mental health and wellbeing, and to help them navigate life’s challenges. To access help, visit Echuca headspace at 451 High St, Echuca, phone 5485 5048. Mental health online support is available at headspace.org.au
In an emergency, please contact 000.
Alternatively, crisis support services are available including: Lifeline on 131 114, Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 and Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.
Confronting the numbers
• One in four teens have experienced a mental health issue in the past 12 months
• 50 per cent of teens with a diagnosed mental health disorder are diagnosed before the age of 14
• 75 per cent of mental health issues emerge before the age of 25
• 8.6 people die by suicide every day
RIV Herald