The month is an opportunity to raise awareness of melanoma.
The Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network, which includes Deniliquin district and the southern Riverina, is encouraging people to protect against melanoma.
It says Australia has one of the highest rates in the world, with one Australian diagnosed with melanoma every 30 minutes. It remains the most common cancer among 20 to 39 year-olds, with an estimated 1300 Australians expected to lose their lives to the disease this year.
The latest hotspot data from the NSW Cancer Institute highlights a concerning trend in rural and regional areas, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced prevention and early detection efforts.
Women in the Deniliquin and southern Riverina region are at an even higher risk, with data showing they are more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma compared to the rest of NSW.
As the primary risk factor for melanoma is exposure to harmful UV radiation from the sun, MPHN is reminding locals to protect their skin and get regular skin checks.
“Many of us love being outdoors, whether it’s taking the dog for a walk, being out in the garden, playing sport, or catching up with friends,” said MPHN CEO Stewart Gordon.
“While we’re enjoying our outdoor lifestyle, we’ve got to be smarter about sun safety. An easy way to change your habits is to make sun protection second nature, for example putting on sunscreen after you brush your teeth each morning and grabbing a hat on your way out the door. “Sun exposure adds up, even during short trips like walking to and from your car. The less exposure you have, the healthier your skin will be."
Overexposure to UV light causes 95 per cent of melanoma cases. To reduce the risk, seek shade during peak sun hours, wear sun-protective clothing, and use a broad-brimmed hat. Protect your eyes with wrap around sunglasses that meet Australian standards and apply SPF 50+ sunscreen every two hours, especially after swimming or exercise.
Dr Tracey Purnell, a Wagga Wagga skin cancer GP, emphasised the importance of early detection.
“At any time, potential skin cancer signs will become visible in the form of new spots, or a change in the colour or shape of pre-existing spots,” Dr Purnell said.
“That's why it's important to get to know your skin and check it regularly. If you notice any changes, visit your GP as soon as possible. The sooner skin cancer is found, the easier it is to treat.”
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