Over the next six weeks, Lockington and district residents can read, discuss and provide feedback on the draft to Campaspe Shire Council before it is tabled.
Mayor Daniel Mackrell said the plan combined aspirations and ambitions sourced from in-person and online consultation sessions that began in July last year.
About 790 people provided feedback during the draft’s development on ways to improve the town, including through tourism, business and health, Cr Mackrell said.
“We are excited for the Lockington and district community to see the ideas they put forward in the draft plan,” he said.
“The plan focuses on four main areas, including short projects, medium projects, longer-term and ongoing priorities.
“I encourage you all to read through the plan and provide your feedback.”
Placed Based Plans focus on improving areas through consultation with community members to understand their needs, according to the council.
The Lockington and District Place Based Plan Committee has eight members: Colin Bacon, Bridie Boyle, Monica Brereton, Joseph Halloway, Janelle Mancer, Wendy Sims, Dan Walker and Graeme Wood.
Cr Mackrell thanked the committee for volunteering their time to develop the plan and advocating for their community.
Residents can read the draft and submit feedback through the council’s website or at a drop-in session.
Bamawm Lockington Cricket Club will have a drop-in session from 12.30pm to 2.30pm on Saturday, February 1.
The Lockington Business Centre and Plumbers Shed will be used for a session from 10am to noon on Thursday, February 13.
Feedback submissions close at 11.59pm on Thursday, March 6, and the online survey can be completed at www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/Lockington