This warning comes as Agriculture Victoria is supporting a PrimeSafe investigation into a cluster of dogs affected with severe liver disease.
Victoria's chief veterinary officer Dr Graeme Cooke said dog owners should look out for a sudden loss of appetite, lethargy and jaundice in a dog that looked previously healthy.
“We advise on a precautionary basis that if your dog has consumed fresh or frozen raw pet meat and your dog is unwell, please contact your veterinarian immediately,” Dr Cooke said.
This comes after Agriculture Victoria was made aware of 45 cases of dogs, of which 10 have died, suffering from liver disease in the Bairnsdale, Traralgon and Frankston areas.
All affected dogs were young, healthy and vaccinated.
Fresh and frozen raw meat sourced from Gippsland and sold between May 31 and July 3 is one common factor and potential connection that is being investigated.
The meat is distributed statewide.
Dr Cooke said Victorian veterinarians should report suspected cases to Agriculture Victoria as the more information that is gathered, the more likely an answer will be found.
“Agriculture Victoria is supporting veterinarians with advice for those who have been treating the dogs.
“Veterinarians should be particularly on the lookout if previously healthy dogs fall ill to clinically severe hepatic disease over a short period of time and without clear cause.”
There are no indications of any risk to human health or any human food safety issues to date.
Veterinarians seeking to report cases or for further advice should speak with their local Agriculture Victoria animal health or district veterinary officers or call the customer contact centre on 136 186.