Three decades on, the highly acclaimed teacher still loves line dancing.
In good news for line dancers locally and elsewhere, she has no thoughts of retiring.
“I love the people and the pleasure it brings them,” Kay told The Free Press.
Currently, she teaches a class in Wahgunyah on Mondays at 11.30am, in Wodonga on Monday evening and every second Tuesday evening in Euroa, attracting up to 30 line dancers at a time.
Kay began instructing in Rochester on March 20, 1995. She taught for 22 years in Tamworth and in Tasmania and Queensland with many trips coinciding with her part-time financial job.
Her love for line dancing began in 1993 at the South Morang Hotel where she saw four ladies line dancing.
“It had just taken off; I loved it and I thought ‘this is Christmas on a stick’,” she said.
In previous years, line dancers converged at the Corowa RSL Club (Club Corowa) which attracted line dancers from Rochester, Wodonga, Albury and Yarrawonga as well as Corowa.
Kay’s ability to line dance, to instruct and to help in the fight against, or to support those with cancer has been formally recognized by the Line Dancing Association Australia committee where Kay is a life member.
“Line dancing keeps you fit, it’s fun, it’s gentle exercise and has left/right brain interaction,” Kay said.
“Most important, it is an excellent social activity where you can go on your own and feel very welcome.
“I prefer country music, but it’s not just country music these days.
“Line dancing looks really simple, but there is a variety of dances and steps; it’s not boring.”
At 76, Kay would stand up against the best line dancers and instructors anywhere according to Barbara Devic who has attended Kay’s classes since 1996.
“She teaches exactly the way you would want to be taught,” said Barbara, who has been taught by Kay since 1996.
“Kay is so experienced and is absolutely clear in what she says.
“She has a great, unique ability to call ahead in the dancing – she’s incredibly professional.”
Following the loss to breast cancer of a dear friend in Corryong in 2006, Kay decided to fundraise for the Jane McGrath Foundation, a breast cancer support and education charity in Australia.
River Country Bootscooters continue to fundraise and have raised more than $147,500 for the McGrath Foundation since 2006.
For anyone wanting to try line dancing, Kay’s message is simple: “Try it out, you may be very surprised.”
To mark 30 years of line dancing instruction, a celebration for Kay is to take place at the Wahgunyah School of the Arts on Sunday, March 16.
If you’d like to give line dancing a try, contact Kay on 0408 511 813.