Suited up: Riley Wooster with his new suit and sponsor Joe Care from Joe Paul Menswear.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
The name is Wooster.
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Riley Wooster.
When ‘Ur Style’ was announced as the theme for Kidz Fashion Week, which is coming to Shepparton on April 22, budding young model Riley knew exactly what he wanted to wear.
“I like the theme, I reckon it’s really good because the kids can wear what they want, whether it’s casual, active, formal like I am, or a few other categories,” Riley said.
“I’m into the image of James Bond and other Hollywood-type things.”
Secret agent aesthetic: Riley knew he wanted to emulate Mr Bond.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Riley said he was excited to be chosen as a model for Kidz Fashion Week, but humbly admitted he wasn’t surprised.
“I did expect it, because I’m amazing,” he said.
Riley has a background in all things performance, from theatre art to dance and acting, and will once again be performing in the Victorian State Spectacular after making his debut last year.
“It’s basically a large-scale performance that happens in September every year that has a bunch of musical numbers from different kids from all over Victoria,” Riley said.
“The Victorian State Spectacular is really good because I get to mix with older kids and kids from other places, I drive two and a half hours there and back, but I really enjoy it, it’s really special.”
Riley’s experience with Shepparton dance company U CAN DANCE Studio has made him confident being on stage and selling himself.
He started to get into tap dancing, and the image of a tap dancer is always somebody performing in a suit, so mum Deanne Nobbs suggested Riley try to get sponsored and get a suit to wear for the special day.
She reached out to local business Joe Paul Menswear, located at 202 Maude St, Shepparton, online before meeting for a chat with director Joe Care.
“Deanne approached us on Facebook and they came in and told me a bit more about it,” Mr Care said.
“Fashion Week is just good for the town, it’s good for the community and we try to help out where we can.
“After the last couple of years we’ve had, with COVID and the floods, it’s good to get our name out there again and help the community.
“It’s good exposure for the business and our kids’ range as well.”
He said Riley knew exactly what he was looking for when it came down to the suit.
“He wanted the James Bond theme, it’s a classic look you can’t go wrong with,” Mr Care said.
“We went for the black tie initially, but we thought we’d try something different so we tried the burgundy and literally his eyes just lit up, he loved it and said that’s what he wanted.”
Two peas in a pod: Riley, pictured with sponsor Joe Care, looking dapper in his suit from Joe Paul Menswear.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
“We’re very thankful, it’s not something I could’ve managed for Riley without Joe’s support and it’s another avenue of the performance industry for Riley to look at that he hasn’t explored before,” Ms Nobbs said.
Riley said modelling posed a new challenge for him and was more about posing than acting and performing.
He said he was excited to strut his stuff in his brand new suit, and wasn’t nervous, shaken or stirred.