We will never find true peace from our external circumstances.
Every day, things happen that can upset us and when we negatively react to those things we can easily loose our peace.
Jesus however, was known as the Prince of Peace and in this scripture He reminds us that He has given to every believer His gift of peace.
We know Jesus is now seated in heavenly places at the right hand of his father, but He also sent the Holy Spirit back to Earth to live in the heart of every believer.
His spirit living within us gives us direct access to God.
We have a river of life and peace living within us.
We have all been given access to this river through Jesus.
When we tap into this river, God’s peace flows and saturates our whole being.
How do we do that? We simply close our eyes and still our hearts.
We quietly enter into God’s presence. We fix our eyes and hearts on Jesus and take some deep breaths as we draw close to Him.
This is where we meet with Jesus.
His spirit meets with our spirit and we experience His presence.
Don’t be surprised if tears flow from your eyes.
This is where negative emotions are washed away and His peace washes over us.
As we regularly meet with Jesus, we become calmer and enter a deeper peace.
We can also sense a warmth from within us reminding us that God is with us.
By regularly meeting with Jesus we can learn to live from this place of peace and live a fearless life.
~ Contributed by J Robertson.