Official declaration: The Victorian Electoral Commission’s election manager for the District of Shepparton, Vicki Parker, declares the Nationals’ Kim O’Keeffe the winner in the 2022 state election.
Photo by
Murray Silby
Kim O’Keeffe has officially been declared the successful candidate to represent the District of Shepparton in the state parliament by the Victorian Electoral Commission.
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Speaking before a small gathering that included the previous sitting member, independent Suzanna Sheed, VEC district election manager Vicki Parker made the declaration at the early voting centre in Shepparton on Friday, December 9.
“Under the provisions of the Electoral Act, 2002, I declare Kim O’Keeffe duly elected as the member to serve the Legislative Assembly of the Parliament of Victoria for the District of Shepparton,” Ms Parker said.
Speaking after the declaration, Ms O’Keeffe, who stood for the Nationals, said it was an exciting time and that she was eager to get to work.
“Yes, it’s official, which is good, now I can get on with things,” she said.
"Really excited. I just want to get on with the job and get set up.“
Newly elected: Kim O'Keeffe, of the Nationals, speaks after being declared the new state Member for Shepparton.
Photo by
Murray Silby
Ms O’Keeffe said she would be sworn in at Parliament House on December 20 after attending “politicians’ school”.
Vanquished incumbent Ms Sheed said she was proud of her legacy after serving two terms.
“Absolutely. I mean, to have been so successful in getting so many big projects up and going has been amazing and yeah, I do feel proud and proud of all of that,” she said.
Ms Sheed did issue a warning, though, of what she saw as increasing differences between city and country voting patterns.
“I do see a growing divide between the regions, who are clearly moving to a more conservative state, and the metropolitan areas that have overwhelmingly voted the Daniel Andrews government back into power, and I think that does show a sharp contrast in thinking between metropolitan and regional areas,” she said.
“So I mean, that concerns me, but it’s the way it is.”
Ms Sheed said she hoped to continue working in the field of water and water policy in the future, advocating for the Goulburn Valley, especially at a federal level.