Ray Rokahr said hailstones about the size of a 20-cent coin hit his property for about half an hour.
“They were coming flat out,” he said.
“It was just constant.”
The rain went for longer, and he recorded 70mm in his rain gauge at his farm on the eastern side of the township.
Mr Rokahr said there was more damage at his property during the Christmas Eve storm, with lots of fallen branches and trees in that one.
Huge: Hail stones that fell at Simone Dunne’s Tatura home.
He had finally finished clearing tree branches from fences when the new storm hit.
Another Tatura resident, Simone Dunne, described the hail that hit the town as “the hugest I’ve ever seen”.
“They were massive. About half the size of a golf ball,” she said.
The hailstones hit her property in two bursts within less than half an hour.
Quite a handful: Austin Dunne, 10, with hail that fell at his Tatura home on January 2.
It brought back memories of a hail storm in Tatura just over a year ago.
“That one hit hard and heavy and blanketed the house white,” Ms Dunne said.
“This one was bigger, but there was not as much damage.”