The Horizon Committee organises the event every year and was successful in raising the required funds for ERH’s prostate care nurse. Photos: Aidan Briggs
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
While Echuca-Moama’s Biggest Blokes Lunch delivered what was advertised, an afternoon of laughs and food, it also delivered on its promise to support prostate care at Echuca Regional Health.
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Each year, Biggest Blokes Lunches take place across the state to increase awareness of prostate cancer.
Echuca-Moama’s version of the iconic event raises much-needed funds for ERH so they can employ a specialised prostate care nurse position.
It is safe to say, the Horizon Committee, a charitable organisation who runs the Echuca-Moama Biggest Blokes Lunch, fulfilled its commitment to that promise.
Not only did the funds raised at the event meet the commitment quota, but the 300 men at the event that made it happen had a great time doing it.
“We have had a lot of good feedback about the meal, the entertainment was great as well, we try to get a mix of comedians and sports personalities and from what I heard, everyone was happy with how it went,” Horizon Committee member Jamie Horkings said.
“Getting positive feedback from the attendees is why we try to stick with a similar format because everyone can get a drink, a feed and enjoy the day.”
Mr Horkings highlighted the Horizon Committee’s joy in being able to continually support the prostate care nurse position at ERH.
Over 300 men attended the Echuca-Moama Biggest Blokes Lunch where they contributed to the significant funds raised.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
“We don’t have an exact amount yet, but we want to let the community know that we have certainly fulfilled our commitment to funding the prostate care nurse at ERH which is always the goal for our Biggest Blokes Lunch,” he said.
“It’s certainly our goal to serve our community and the great work that ERH is doing, when we sit down to discuss projects for each year our commitment to them is always on our list and is very satisfying when we can fulfil that.
“We were pleased with the turnout, we are ecstatic that it ran as well as it did, no issues and great company.”
While it is still just under a year away, the Horizon Committee has begun planning the 2025 iteration of the Biggest Blokes Lunch and has had initial conversations with venue hosts and catering services.
“We’ve had some initial discussions about next year’s event with the racing club and catering services, so they are locked in for next year,” Mr Horkings said.
“We understand that often-times these types of events have a lifespan, but we are still getting great attendance and support so we will continue with it as long as we keep getting that support from the community.”
The Horizon Committee will now turn its attention to its next event, the Great Postie Bike Adventure tour of Tasmania which is set to begin on February 26, 2025.
Spots are still available for the tour and if you wish to inquire about participating, call Jamie Horkings on 0400 917 684.