Greg Moran and Geoff Pappin located the plaque using a metal detector. Photos: Supplied
The Rochester Historical and Pioneer Society have been locating, photographing and cataloguing plaques around the region.
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One plaque the members were unable to find was for the Palmer Flour Mill, originally located on Bridge Rd, Rochester.
The uncovered plaque: "Palmer's Flour Mill, later owned by Spencer stood here. National Australia Bank"
Palmer Flour Mill was purchased by Thomas Spencer, an early pioneer of Rochester, and after the site burned down, built a new mill on Moore St, near where Rochester Hotel and Parsons are located.
Mr Spencer was a recognisable figure in the Rochester community, serving on various committees, owning multiple properties including stores, and serving as a councillor for the Shire of Echuca and even having his name thrown in the ring to represent the Victorian electorate of Rodney.
The original Palmer Flour Mill, pictured in 1868.
He was also the first person in Rochester to receive a telegram, and owned the first buggy in the town.
In 1896, his second flour mill burned down and was not rebuilt.
The Rochester Historical and Pioneer Society provided all information about Palmer Flour Mill and Thomas Spencer.