Some people say the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word ‘mother’.
We have a strong connection with our mother. We all came from our mother’s womb, unless you are born in a test tube.
We all heard and felt the songs of a mother’s full of hope and love.
As we grow, her presence is consolation in times of sorrow, hope in misery, and strength in time of weakness.
That is the mother. She is happy in our success, but lonely in times of our downfall.
Jesus’ response adds more to the life of a mother and, of course, to each one of us.
Motherhood is a noble vocation. Giving birth to a child is not the end.
A mother needs to nurture and teach the child to do the holy will of God.
The mother is the first catechist of the child.
Christian life is like a motherhood - receiving the Word of God, which is Jesus Christ himself, keeping it in our heart, and giving birth to it in our daily life.
Just like motherhood, to become a Christian is a noble vocation, doing the holy will of God.
Baptism into Christianity is not the end. It is just the first step of Christian discipleship.
Jesus said, “Happy those who hear the Word of God and keep it”.
~ Contributed by Fr Line Abilgos of St Michael’s Catholic Church, on behalf of the Combined Churches of Deniliquin.