Permanent water saving rules are in place across the state, with residents being urged to be water-wise and consider how much water they’re using around the home.
While climate forecasting is suggesting a wetter than normal summer in eastern states due to the influence of La Niña, temperatures are still forecast to be above average in north-central Victoria from January to March.
Summer water usage peaked in January 2021, with more than 3710 megalitres used by GVW customers, compared to 3147 Ml in January 2020.
GVW managing director Steve Capewell said it was everyone’s responsibility to use water wisely and sustainably.
“Our climate is changing and we can’t rely on rainfall like in the past, so we need everyone to adopt an ‘every drop counts’ approach to using water,” Dr Capewell said.
“If everyone takes action to reduce their water usage and make little changes around the household, the water savings will add up — together, we can make a difference.
“With the changing climatic conditions we’re experiencing in northern Victoria, water conservation is more important than ever and we all have a role to play to ensure its sustainability for future generations.
“We’re asking people to be conscious of where they’re using water and look at how they can reduce that — there are plenty of options to reduce water use that won’t impact on your lifestyle, but can easily save bucket loads.
“Check for leaks and fix dripping taps, use a pool cover to reduce evaporation, turn the tap off while you’re brushing your teeth and catch water in a basin while washing vegetables — there are plenty of ways you can make a difference.”
GVW urges residents to follow the permanent water saving rules to make sure every drop counts.
The rules include watering the garden between 6pm and 10am, using a blower or a broom to clean hard surfaces, and using a bucket and a leak-free hose fitted with a trigger nozzle to wash vehicles.
“People in the Goulburn Valley showed some excellent water saving behaviours during the Millennium Drought — now is the time to reintroduce your grey-water system and other water saving measures,” Dr Capewell said.
“Simple things around the home can save hundreds of litres per day — cutting your shower down to four minutes can save 40 litres a day and turning the tap off while you brush your teeth will help save 10 litres a minute.”
People can find more information and tips and tricks to save water, including information on the Victorian Government’s Target Your Water Use program, at