Step into La Trobe University’s Shepparton Orientation Week, where on Wednesday, February 28, a vibrant lunchtime festival unfolded.
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From 10am to 2pm, the campus buzzed with many delights — food trucks, tunes, stalls and tours were on offer.
O’ Week, which takes place each year, is the compass guiding students towards an optimal start to university life.
This year, amid the ongoing transformation of the La Trobe Shepparton campus, the event found its stage on the lush lawn of GOTAFE.
In the quest to fill the regional skills gap, and best prepare students for the challenges of the future job landscape, certain courses have emerged as the most popular.
Nursing remains a favourite, drawing aspiring minds keen to make a difference in health care.
To address the regional need, online degrees, particularly in the realm of business, have attracted those navigating a career change, with a staggering one-third of online students at La Trobe’s Shepparton campus enrolled in business-related studies.
What sets the Shepparton campus apart is its robust connection with industries, ensuring students don't merely learn but thrive with hands-on experiences.
News photographer Megan Fisher went along and captured the event.