Inferno: A grass fire threatens properties on Lancaster Rd near Bolitho Rd. Photo: Kyabram Fire Brigade Facebook.
A grass fire that broke out on Lancaster Rd near Bolitho Rd in Kyabram on Tuesday, January 25, was contained in under an hour by the concerted efforts of the CFA.
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Just after 1pm multiple CFA crews, including 19 fire trucks and air support, responded to a fast-moving grass fire that quickly spread to multiple properties, with houses and sheds in the firing line.
Up in smoke: A view of the Lancaster Rd grass fire from the road. Photo: Kyabram Fire Brigade Facebook.
“Just because we live in an urban built-up area it doesn't mean that we won't be impacted by an approaching grass fire on the outskirts of town,” the Kyabram Fire Brigade said in a statement on Facebook.
“The quick response of CFA resources and Fire Bird 327 out of Shepparton was instrumental in protecting properties in the path of the fire.
“Crews wearing breathing apparatus were able to save a shed as the fire consumed materials on the outside of the structure. Given the extreme heat, crews did some amazing work to bring the fire under control.”
The son of the owners of a property affected by the fire expressed his gratitude to the CFA on Facebook.
“(It) was my parents’ property, can’t thank the CFA enough for their efforts. If it wasn’t for your quick response they would have lost everything. Well done, guys,“ Harley Double said.
The fire was declared contained at 2:04pm, with crews remaining on scene to black out the area.
The aftermath: CFA crews save a property in Kyabram from a grassfire. Photo: Kyabram Fire Brigade Facebook.
The multiple volunteer crews from brigades inn the region that were on scene responding to the incident were from Kyabram, Merrigum, Wyuna, Cooma, Girgarre, Tongala, Echuca, Rochester, Stanhope and Tatura.
“We must thank Rochester Rehab unit for their assistance in looking after the welfare of our troops on the ground during the extreme heat,” Kyabram Fire Brigade said.
“Echuca Support was on scene providing extra breathing apparatus wearers and extra BA cylinders.”