The club: Goulburn Valley Four Wheel Drive Club members at the Gaffney’s Creek Cemetery clean-up.
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The Goulburn Valley Four Wheel Drive Club, founded in July 1976, has recently celebrated its 10th anniversary of purchasing the former Toolamba East Primary School site, now the club’s permanent meeting place.
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“The club was formed in 1976 after a group of like-minded people decided to place an advertisement in the Shepparton News,” past president Ian Chapple said.
“The advertisement resulted in 20 people forming the club, with the initial goals of organising touring trips and other events which are of interest to the whole group.”
Happy: President Matthew Cudmore and eldest member George Walker.
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Since its inception the club has organised touring trips and other events of interest for the whole group, became a foundation member of the Royal Flying Doctor Service and in 2013 it purchased its base, ‘Thisildo’, short for ‘this will do’.
Mr Chapple said the club had been involved with Connect GV, a service that looks after clients with disabilities.
“Some have never seen a dirt road, and we take them and their carer for a ride through the local bush, and they love it,” he said.
“Many of them are familiar faces now, and when they get out of the car, they want to book the driver for next year.
“The day is finished with a sausage sizzle, and we have been told they talk about it for months.”
The club has also been active in community service activities such as the Rochester community clean-up after last year’s floods, cemetery clean-ups at Gaffney’s Creek and helping farmers clear fence lines after storms.
Mr Chapple highlighted the importance of the club in bringing people together.
“Some of our trips we do every year, and it’s good to see old and new members get together,” he said.
“The best way to get to know someone is on a trip (and) the kids can make new friends here too.”
The club meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 297 Craven Rd, Tatura East, and anyone is welcome to attend.
“We encourage new people to join us, young and old, with new ideas and places to see,” Mr Chapple said.
The club is a shining example of a group of people coming together for a common interest, to explore the great outdoors and to help others.
The beginning: The first meeting held at the former school site.
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Proud members: A meeting held to celebrate the purchase of the clubrooms.
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