In Jerilderie, young people aged 12 to 24 can take a trip to Albury Wodonga Bounce, on Saturday April 12.
The day includes bus transport, a two hour Bounce pass, and lunch.
Extra spending money is recommended, should anyone wish to sample the kiosk snacks.
The bus will leave at 9.30am from the council office.
Registration is essential either by the QR code on brochures available around town, or contacting the tourism and events officer on 0428 758 087.
The Jerilderie Uniting Church’s Holiday Youth Program is on from April 14 to 16.
This is a Christian-based activities program aimed at those aged Kindy to Year 12, and will be held at the Jerilderie racecourse.
Bookings and information from Jacqui Robertson on 0491 183 557 or Lorraine Comber on 5886 1576.
Older residents of Jerilderie will be sorry to learn of the recent death of former Jerilderie-ite Joy Sturrock’s younger sister, Annette Williamson, in Ballarat on March 20.
The Sturrock family had strong connections to the Jerilderie Uniting Church, and Joy worked in a local bank for many years, and played a handy game of golf.
A celebration of the life of Annette was held at the community centre at Hemsley Park Country Club Village on Monday.
Annette is survived by her husband Gordon, their two daughters Sarah and Claire, and her sister Joy. Sympathy is extended to the family.
It’s nearly time to celebrate our seniors again, with Murrumbidgee Council offering a Seniors Festival from April 30 to May 13.
Jerilderie seniors are invited to attend a morning tea from 10.30am on Thursday, May 1, at the Jerilderie Civic Hall, with entertainment by Ray McCartney.
The theme for the festival is Time to Shine, and participants are invited to wear something sparkly, shimmery, bright or vibrant.
There will be a seniors' movie on Friday, May 2, at 1pm at the Jerilderie library. For that, I guess you can wear what you like.
Bookings are essential so either visit council office, contact 1300 676 243, or
The Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary will not hold a meeting this month, but there is to be an auxiliary raffle stall held on Friday, April 4, from 9am outside IGA.
Members are asked to please confirm their rostered times with Judy. The next monthly meeting will be Thursday, April 24.