Youth Week is being celebrated in all three council areas, with the Jerilderie offering being a trip to Albury Wodonga Bounce, on Saturday, April 12.
Aimed at ages from 12 to 24, the day includes the bus transport, a two-hour Bounce pass, and lunch.
Extra spending money is recommended, should anyone wish to sample the kiosk snacks. The bus leaves at 9.30am from the council office.
Registration is essential either by the QR code on brochures available around town, or contacting the tourism and events officer on 0428 758 087.
The Uniting Church’s popular Holiday Youth Program is on once again from Monday, April 14 to Wednesday, April 16.
This Christian-based activities program, aimed at those aged Kindy to Year 12, will be held at the Jerilderie Racecourse.
Bookings and information from Jacqui Robertson on 0491 183 557 or Lorraine Comber on 03 5881 861 576.
St Joseph’s Catholic School swimmers have been covering themselves in glory. Congratulations to Lara, Milla, Dom and Ryder who placed second in the recent PP5 relay.
They will go on to represent the Wagga Wagga Diocese in Sydney in April.
Happy birthday to St Joseph’s principal, Mrs Rebecca Billing, for a recent birthday. Bec’s parents, Robert and Janelle, were in town to help celebrate the occasion.
The ongoing changes in Jerilderie’s Powell St precinct continue to provide bemusement and not a little aggravation.
The newly marked parking arrangements on the south (non-shady) side of the street have provided entertainment and amazement to customers of the local bakery, as they watch drivers navigate the new choices of either parallel or angle parking in different areas of the now one-way street.
Some drivers still opt for the shade on the north (non-parking) side of the street, while others are still turning around and going out the wrong (old) way.
One hopes that time will iron out the wrinkles. A street sign for Powell Street, at both ends, might also be a helpful thing for non-locals.