Enthusiasts young and old were brought together by this year’s edition of the show.
The autumn sun was shining and wheels were glistening under its warm rays. Hundreds of collectible cars, spanning decades, were lined up.
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Now in its 12th year, the Rotary Club of Shepparton’s Motor Show returned to the showgrounds on Sunday, March 23, bringing together car enthusiasts, collectors, families and plenty of locals for a relaxed day out.
It had all the makings of a great day — shiny engines, friendly faces and plenty to see.
From vintage and veteran to classic and custom, the show featured a varied display of cars, motorbikes and trucks. New models from local car dealers sat alongside restored classics, with owners invited to enter for a chance to win one of 17 prizes.
It wasn’t just about the engines. Food trucks, a sausage sizzle cooked by Shepparton’s Rotary Club, market stalls and a jumping castle ensured there was something for everyone — and hundreds of locals turned out to enjoy the day.
News reporter Khadija Hadjab covered the event.
Restored to its former glory and under the spotlight.
Shiny and sleek.
Every bonnet had an audience.
Local market stalls added colour and flavour to the day.
Care and polish — these restorations were labours of love
Whether they came for the engines or the atmosphere, the crowd didn’t leave disappointed.