Arron Daniel Ag Contractors’ Arron and Samantha Daniel, pictured with their children Avery, Sofia and Joe, are first-time exhibitors at this year’s South Gippsland Dairy and Farming Expo.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
At Gibson’s Groundspreads site are Jacob Cecil, Paul Cornelissen and Paul Battersby.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Jim Hare and Wayne Treacy were working at the DeLaval volunteer milking systems site.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Eric Davis and John Main, of CLAAS Harvest Centre, with a CLAAS disco mower.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Hico at Korumburra’s John D. Win (left) and David Anderson (right) with Phil McKenna and Cathy Bourke from Jetstream Genetics at Nathalia.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Tyrel and Rhys Cox, of Bairnsdale Engineering.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Bill Brown from Inverloch and Michael Banik from Korumburra.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Lachlan Moon from TTMI at Leongatha with the Case iH Puma 140.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
CowBank’s Rod Banks, Luke Fitzpatrick and Kate Rivington with John Salce from McLaren Agricultural Machinery at Warragul.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Jarrod Muir, of Inverloch, looks at machinery at the South Gippsland Dairy and Farming Expo.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Meeniyan’s Brendon Martelli, Tom Peters from Chapman Machinery Service in Leongatha and Daniel Fullerton, from Fish Creek, with the Kubota LA340 digger.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Leanne and Doug Wilkinson from Leongatha with Glen Alvie’s Ange Clark.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Beau Saye from Neerim South, David Johnston from Tarago River and Ben Olsen and Kay-Lee Bransgrove of Neerim.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Chloe, Barb, Georgia and Peter Challis, from Leongatha.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Hanna Anderson, from Nar Nar Goon, feeds two-day-old lamb Snickers at the Reid Stockfeeds site.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Rabobank’s Hannah Sturgiss with Kim and Tim Morley, of Gormandale.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Saputo’s Penny Johnson with Bruce and Mark Calder from Dumbalk and Linda Sage from Leongatha.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Technician Mark Brewer checks the GEA robot is working properly.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Kim Price from GippsDairy with Belinda Egan from Jackman Jerseys at Armit.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Past focus farmers Susan and Keith Straw, from Fish Creek, with Veronica McLeod from GippsDairy.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Yanakie’s Mick Bright uses the Tow n Fert 1200-litre unit.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Rod and Brad McIntosh, from Poowong.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Mal Clark, of Glen Alvie, investigates the John Deere E18 stocked by Brandt in Leongatha South.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs
Merryn Chapman from Kernot, Keith Fort from Inverloch, Luisa Huitson from Kernot and Tate Chapman from Kernot at the Burra Foods site.
Photo by
Jeanette Severs