Emma Solomano, Wilma Hills, Kathryn Walden, Natalie Stephenson and Maeve Goss were among the many attendees at Campaspe Shire Council’s International Women’s Day dinner on Thursday, March 6.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Rochester Shire Hall was full of celebration on Thursday, March 6, marking International Women’s Day with a dinner.
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Campaspe Shire Council hosted the event, bringing guests together for a meal and an engaging panel discussion.
Panellists were The Holistic Care Collective founder and nurse practitioner Rebecca East, podcaster and former detective Narelle Fraser, 2023 Rochester Young Citizen of the Year Denvah Matthews, Campaspe Cohuna LLEN executive officer Jane Reid and Njernda Aboriginal Corporation regional Aboriginal development officer Aunty Vicki Walker, led by 2QN and Edge FM Deniliquin and Echuca general manager Angela Parker.
“It is about having a voice and staying strong to who you are,” Rebecca East said.
“Being authentic in your voice and knowing your skills.”
“It’s about listening to others,” Narelle Fraser said.
“I think we grow from honesty from others and learning from our mistakes.”
“I’m so grateful to be in Australia,” Denvah Matthews said.
“I’m surrounded by young women who stand up for ourselves.”
“Speak up and take space, be heard,” Jane Reid said.
“Don’t wait for someone else to invite you into the conversation, make sure you are there to start it.”
“You can see how it is, for a lot of our lives, we are the minority,” Aunty Vicki Walker said.
“Be supportive of your Black/Blak sisters.”
Local charity The Kyabram Gift was the recipient of fundraising from the night.
The Kyabram Gift supports between 30 to 35 families at one time around the Kyabram, Tongala, Undera, Stanhope, Girgarre and Rushworth areas.
It’s 10-person volunteer team provides assistance like food and fuel vouchers, assistance in paying hospital bills and for medical equipment, helping local people and their families affected by cancer.
A raffle hosted on the night raised $1050 alone towards the charity, with donated prizes including overnight accommodation at the Cock N Bull in Echuca, a quilt, pot and plant, wine and goods hampers and a voucher for Silver Spoon Estate.
Enjoying the event were (clockwise, from left) Heidi Warren, Michelle Quinlan, Kate Lemon, Jo Bradshaw, Cr Paul Jarman, Cr Rob Amos, Katy Brown and Edie May.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Jo Rogash, Trish Williams, Robyn Jurey, Jo Quayle, Judi Lawler and Julie Spiers.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Local musician Jessica Lorraine performed at the event.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Melissa Law, Brenda Wallis, Lauren Chan and Jacqui Trease.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Megan Dehne and Kim Gilsenan.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Karen Gamble, Clare Wickham, Ruth Middleton, Jessica Burns and Garry Mustey.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
The shire hall was packed out, with close to 150 attendees.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Yah Sarati, Shelley Sibberas, Audra Holton, Ange Robinson and Tania Else.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Jacq Campbell, Nikki Harris, Catherine Elms and Jane Reid.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Master of ceremonies Angela Parker, and panellists Narelle Fraser, Aunty Vicki Walker, Denvah Matthews, Rebecca East and Jane Reid.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe