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On Friday, March 14, we popped back to share some photos of the new facility with the community.
Elisa Aktas and Ollie Dow Wilson are two of this years Preps at the Benalla Campus of the Wangaratta Specialist School.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Students at the Benalla Campus of the Wangaratta Specialist School enjoy an obstacle course.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Prep student George Visvardis.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
The Benalla Campus of the Wangaratta Specialist School, Junior School Council, Shae Nott, Zane Bishop Kinlyside, Jaxon Bishop Kinlyside, Indi Milligan and Kaden Watts, with mental health practicioner Ashlee Chandler.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Bella Piccolo and Kayden Gribble make the most of a window seat in one of the classrooms at the Benalla Campus of the Wangaratta Specialist School.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Hudson Law, Kaden Watts and Kayden Gribble engrossed in an activity.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Students enjoy a lesson at the Benalla Campus of the Wangaratta Specialist School.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert