Call to help show go on
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The curtain could fall on Kyabram Theatre Group if little interest is shown at the group’s annual meeting next Wednesday.
Homeless since 2005 when fire damaged its clubrooms, the group has been unable to attract enough interest during the past couple of years to put on a production.
The group’s president, Louise Pearce, said following a poorly attended general meeting in January it was agreed the next annual meeting on Wednesday, March 18 would decide whether the group should go into recess.
Mrs Pearce is appealing to all past and recent members to attend the meeting.
“It would be good if everyone who can come would also bring a friend in order to keep community arts in this area alive,” Mrs Pearce said.
Botanic garden at design plan stage
Girgarre is one step closer to establishing a world-class botanic garden.
A significant milestone will be reached on March 24 this year when the sketch design plan for the garden will be presented to local residents and the wider community.
Landscape architecture firm Taylor Cullity Lethlean was engaged by the Girgarre Development Group to develop a master plan or a new botanic garden in 2013.
The master plan has since been taken to the next level of planning by TCL: the schematic of sketch design.
The botanic garden, to be called Gargarro, is designed to reflect the dry landscape of the Campaspe region with an interplay between geometric water features and indigenous flora.
Scorching form
Kyabram Fire Brigade Cricket Club will be represented in all four grades of Goulburn Murray Cricket on grand final day this Saturday.
Club president Justin Hooper, who will captain the club’s C-grade side, said it was a fairytale achievement, but one the club had remarkably experienced previously.
“Next year will be 20 years since we won all four grades and in the last year of the KDCA in 2011/12 we had three teams, and we won all three grades,” Hooper said.
“It’s something that does run in our veins.”
And while history may indicate the Flames have every right to be confident of multiple successes this weekend, Hooper said he would be satisfied with a 50 per cent return.
“I’d love to think we can win all four flags, but reality tells you if you won 50 per cent that would be fantastic,” he said.
Cinema screening returns to Victory Hall
A young inspiring couple from Rushworth is attempting to return Victoria Hall to its glory says with the introduction of a cinema night.
Brendan Hawking and his girlfriend,, Brooke Emery are offering two screenings of Racing Stripes and After the Sunset this Saturday.
“We are wanting to gauge the demand for cinema nights and if it is a success we will look at running it once a fortnight,” Mr Hawking said.
The 22-year-old had instigated the concept in Rushworth, which had now been running for the past six years in Deniliquin.
Hawking said the initiative was about providing people with what they wanted to see in their communities.
Beryl braves the clippers for the cause
Beryl Bradley took pleasure in watching her locks being clipped off for a good reason last week.
Miss Bradley, who is bedridden at the Tatura Hospital, was lifted into a wheelchair to allow Marcia Brock to conduct the trimming off her locks for the Leukaemia Foundation’s Share for a Cure campaign.
With the help of staff, in particular Cathy Seymour, Miss Bradley was able to raise $1200 towards the foundation for ongoing research.
This total was able to surpass her previous best of $850 raised two years ago.
Residents and staff at the hospital gathered in the foyer to watch the shave.
Kyabram’s bowls reign is over
Kyabram Bowls Club’s proud premiership reign is over.
The club’s Division 1 side had its colours lowered by Stanhope in Saturday’s GVBA preliminary final, ending its chance to increase its record streak of five successive flags.
In a see-sawing clash, Stanhope caused the major upset by five shots with rinks level.
The big difference was a thumping 33-15 win by Dennis George’s rink over Kyabram star Greg Shilling’s rink.
Stanhope skipper Noel Adams said his team has “finally got one back” as it had not beaten Ky for a long time.
Stanhope now fronts up to hot favourite Shepparton Gold in the final at Tatura on Saturday.
Safety House committee says thanks
At a recent meeting of the Kyabram Safety House Committee four past members were awarded a certificate of appreciation for service to the committee.
The Safety House Committee has 115 safety houses around the town, mainly on the most popular roads taken by children on the way to school.
Safety House holders have to be approved before being allowed to be a Safety House, so only reliable people are able to have their house as a Safety House.
Safety Houses are often used for many other reasons besides children being followed by strangers.
Some of the uses include bike breakdowns, being lost, bullying by other children and swooping magpies.
Elections deferred to 1997
Kyabram and district people will be unable to democratically elect municipal councillors until March 1997.
The previous date was March 1996, by when commissioners in northern Victorian, Goulburn Valley and north-east municipalities would have been in place for 18 months.
That would mean the commissioners serving Kyabram, Stanhope, Tongala, Echuca and Rochester areas will continue until March 1997 provided they are available.
They are chief commissioner Doug Crow, a partner in a Kyabram real estate and stock firm, Mr Victor Hamit from an Echuca legal firm, and Mrs Jeanette Powell, former Shepparton Shire president and partner in a Shepparton business with her husband.
Local Government Minister Roger Hallam said it has become clear from the experience and feedback from the commissioners that they needed at least one month and two budgets to lock away the reforms.
Steve is not hopeful of Olympic selection
Champion Tongala clay bird shooter Steve Atkins returned from the World Cup in Peru this week armed with a silver medal, but holding little hope of representing Australia next year in the Atlanta Olympic Games.
Atkins collected the medals in the three-man team’s event, which was won by the Italian team. Canada got the bronze.
In the individual Olympic double trap event Atkins finished 10th to pick up seven Olympic quota points used in the Olympic criteria selection process.
But he doesn’t hold much hope of making the two-man Australian team in this discipline for the Atlanta Olympics.
“I’ll be perfectly honest. I am running fourth in this discipline at the moment to get to the Olympics,” he said.
“But there is really only one spot up for grabs, as one shooter already has enough Olympic points to secure his spot in the Australian team for Atlanta.”
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