But the students have wasted no time in leaving a positive legacy of their own making.
Mia decided to put her hand up for the role thanks to the inspiration of her older relatives, who were school leaders in their own turn.
She said it was always something she’s wanted to do.
“I saw my older cousins being school leaders in their school, and I thought that was something I could do,” she said.
“And my family was always saying I’d be a good leader, so I put my hand up.”
Stepping up to the plate was also an easy decision for Kiara, who said it was always something she aspired to.
“I thought it would be a really good experience,” she said.
“Plus, I love this school, and I wanted the opportunity to make it a better place.”
Since day one, that’s just what the pair has worked to do.
The two captains are running focus groups for other students to give them a voice on what they think should be done at the school.
Mia said the focus groups are all about getting all students involved in changes affecting the school.
“We felt like there was such a disconnection between the younger ages and older ages, and connecting that is something that, I feel, would really bring the school together,” she said.
The pair has also played a key role in bringing back the college’s first senior formal since COVID-19 struck.
The captains were both pleased by how plans are proceeding.
“In our first meeting, I was surprised by how much say and organisation we have over it. It feels like the sky’s the limit,” Kiara said.
Mia agreed.
“I definitely didn’t think I’d get this much say,” she said.
“Ms Tempest is very good with hearing our opinion and then making it happen,” she said.
Where do the captains see themselves in a year’s time?
A dancer, Mia sees herself taking her love of what she does to a whole new level.
“I want to go dance on cruise ships and study dance, but I really like teaching as well,” she said.
“It’s something that sounds so interesting to me - exploring the world plus doing what I love.”
Meanwhile, Kiara is tossing up whether to go straight to university or take a gap year after she finishes her time at CSC.
She’s hoping at some point to study at the University of Melbourne or take up studies through the Australian Defence Force Academy.
“I really love history and politics, so I’ll probably study something down that avenue,” she said.
“But also maybe law would be really interesting.”