The plan is based on the Echuca Moama Flood Study, adopted by Campaspe Shire and Murray River Council in early 2024.
Using the information gathered from the flood study, the EFRMP recommends mitigation options, including the location of permanent and temporary levees and floodgates.
The plan assesses potential options, comparing cost, constructability and disruption, maintenance, flood risk reduction and benefits, and adverse impacts.
The proposed locations of levees include Bynan St, Pakenham and Moama Sts, Vic Park, upgrades to Echuca CBD, Warren St, McKenzie and Eyre Sts, Campaspe Esplanade, Martin St and Hicks Cres, Fehring Ln, Haverfield St and upgrades to Watson St.
For each of these locations, a cost-benefit analysis has been calculated.
EFRMP also unpacks non-structural flood mitigation measures, such as preparedness, land use planning, stormwater drainage and landowner rights.
Council is asking for community feedback about its recommendations before the plan is adopted.
Drop-in sessions with the project manager and other council officers will be held:
- Wednesday, March 26 from 5pm to 6pm at Campaspe Shire Council offices
- Tuesday, April 1 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at Echuca library
Hard copies and submission forms of the EFRMP are available at Echuca library, along with online versions accessible on the council website.
Feedback can be submitted through
Alternatively, an email clearly marked “Echuca Flood Risk Management Plan” can be sent to
Comment is open until Sunday, April 20.
The Echuca East Levee Function Design project is also being developed, with nominations for a Community Reference Committee open.
Council is seeking more people from the wider flood-prone area of Echuca East to complement the existing group of levee route-adjacent property owners.
As the area has been identified as high priority, there is a focus on creating a barrier for protection.
The committee will help inform the location and feasibility of the barrier.
Assistance to allow surveyors to measure the outdoor floor levels of driveways, carports, garages and houses is also sought by council this month.
To apply for the Community Reference Committee, head to
Nominations are due by Monday, March 31.
To lodge a downloaded form, drop it in to Campaspe Shire Council or mail it to PO Box 35, Echuca, 3564.
The form can be submitted via an email clearly marked “Nomination Echuca East Levee Design” to
Further information about the flood study, levee project and downloadable forms can be accessed at