It appears Finley will be the place to be over the October long weekend this year.
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Members of the Finley Rotaract Club during the years 1971 to 1992 are asked to save the date for a reunion being planned for Saturday, October 4 at the Finley Lions Club pavilion at 6.30pm.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with old friends, share plenty of laughs, and re-live the cherished memories that made our time in Rotaract so special.” the organisers have said.
“If anyone has past photos or news clippings, it would be greatly appreciated if they could share them in the Facebook group or get in touch with me.” Maria McCaw says.
It appears the group was very active over the 21 years and lived up to the ideal of Rotaract, the aim of which was to empower young people to create positive change in their communities and around the world through service, leadership and professional development.
Further information can be obtained from the Facebook page or by contacting Greg McNamara at 0408 831 91, Peter Braybon 0428 826 337 or Maria McCaw at 0429 839 438.
A small but very receptive group attended the recent Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance ‘Unlocking Hope No. 13 – Understanding Dementia’ held at the Finley RS Club last Thursday.
Julie Mecham the Greater Choice for At Home Palliative Care project officer with Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network spoke about new grief procedures as well as giving important tips for dealing with grief.
Discussion focused around the introduction of grief and bereavement brochures, which led onto discussing end of life issues and the importance of Advance Care Planning.
Julie pointed out that grief should be recognised as a normal part of the experience and not only related to the loss of a loved one. Grief can be experienced for a number of reasons.
Communities need to build on these conversations around end of life issues; to create safe spaces to then be able to consider, discuss what is right for individuals’ choices and goals for end of life.
The group may have been small but found the presentation engaging and followed up with meaningful conversations.
Unfortunately, the other planned guest speaker, Lynda Rhodes, was unable to attend due to a family emergency.
Members of the Berrigan Shire Dementia Alliance are looking forward to the next presentation, which will take place on Thursday, April 10 at the RS Club.
A representative of Dementia Training Australia will be in Finley for this presentation and as many members of the community, including health workers, are encouraged to attend if possible.
Finley Public School is also planning a big weekend over Thursday, October 3 to Sunday, October 5 to celebrate the school turning 130 years old in 2025.
Anyone interested in becoming part of the organising committee or who might have photos or memorabilia they would like to share, please feel free to contact the school or Cherilyn Taig on (03) 5883 1135.
Just a reminder, the Finley Little Athletics Club annual general meeting will be held at the club track on Friday, March 28 at 5.30pm. New members are most welcome at all times.
Also, a reminder that Finley Public School will be holding its annual fête on Friday, April 4 at 3.30pm.
Each class will be having a stall and there is always plenty of entertainment for all ages.
Another reminder of the Finley LHAC Skin Cancer bus provided by Australian Skin Cancer Foundation which will be in Finley on Monday, April 7 from 8am until 4pm situated on the corner of Pinnuck and Murray Sts opposite the Tuppal Hotel.
Members of the Finley Garden Lovers Club came together on Monday, March 3 for the annual general meeting.
Cathy Haigh from Tocumwal was elected president with Di Krasowski elected as vice president.
Helen McAllister was elected secretary with Jenny Davidson as assistant secretary, and the treasurer is Heather Gillespie.
The club meets on the first Monday of each month at the Finley RS Club at 2pm. Membership is $10 and new members are always welcome.
Regular monthly club competition tables as well as swap and freebie tables and a $2 in house raffle are part of the get-togethers.
Last Saturday, the Finley Art Network had a new concept added to the normal painting days.
Graeme Falconer took along his resin kit and gave the group a delightful experience, ‘An Introduction to Resin’, along with many tiny objects including beads, animal figures, flowers, tinsel and numerous other objects to make coasters, jewellery and whatever the imagination could come up with.
Luncheon was supplied by the members, and all had an enjoyable day.
The group will be holding a Mother’s Day raffle again this year, which is always a great combination of contributions put together by the members.
Ticket selling will start on Wednesday, May 7, outside Finley IGA.
The Finley Art Network will be holding exhibitions of the members’ paintings during the year with an open day and morning and afternoon tea available at a cost of $5.
The first exhibition of paintings by Graeme Falconer will be held on Saturday, April 5.
It was decided to arrange these exhibitions to show the community what is produced by the members and perhaps encourage others to join in and make use of the great facility provided by the Berrigan Shire Council.
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