Receptionist Maddie Bosch, deputy practice manager Sarah Ryan, general practitioner Dr Eji Ekeanyanwu, practice manager Mary McIntyre, nurses Jackie Dingwell and Megan Morgan and senior receptionist Wendy Craft.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Campaspe Medical Centre has moved back home, reopening at Rochester Elmore District Health Service on Monday, March 3.
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The space has moved from its original location at the front of REDHS and is now accessible at the back of the site near urgent care.
Over two days, the team moved from the temporary Village Dve location to its new and improved space.
“It was as smooth as we could be,” practice manager Mary McIntyre said.
“We’re very fortunate and happy to be back in.
“This feels like a mansion, (there are) so many more rooms and the receptionists aren’t on top of each other, it’s lovely.”
Since reopening at REDHS last week, feedback from staff and the community has been supportive.
“I think everyone’s happy to be back in the hospital,” Ms McIntrye said.
“Things are coming together, community-wise, I think.
“They’re probably very pleased to have us back in the one place.”
One of the new consulting rooms at the medical centre.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
REDHS chief executive Mary Manescu emphasised the important relationship between the general practitioners in the medical centre and the patients at REDHS.
“It’s a lovely thing to happen and that really marks the end of ... the rebuild,” she said.
“The beautiful thing that it offers is the proximity to our urgent care.
“So, for our doctors, they literally only have a few steps to get into urgent care if there was ever a requirement or into the acute ward or into the nursing home.”
General practitioner Dr Eji Ekeanyanwu.
Photo by
Emily Donohoe
Also relocating to REDHS is 4Cyte Pathology, offering a range of tests and accepting all referrals.
For Ms Manescu, providing various services in one location will help improve collaboration between each team.
“That multidisciplinary relationship, by having the practice with us in that location, it actually allows for that conversation to occur much quicker and better,” she said.
“People will already know the clinicians and know each other and they can develop those relationships.”
At Campaspe Medical Centre, general practitioner Eji Ekeanyanwu is onsite Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, while Dr Michael Monzon is there each Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and every second Tuesday.
The centre is open from 9am to 5pm on weekdays.
4Cyte Pathology is open from 8.30am to 3pm on weekdays, with a break from noon to 12.30pm for lunch.