The plan outlines how rates will be distributed among ratepayers, including details in relation to payment options, rebates, interest and financial hardship while also addressing other sources of revenue, including user fees and charges, grants and contributions.
A survey has been established on council’s Shaping Greater Shepp website for community members to provide their feedback.
The survey page also includes frequently asked questions for residents to better understand the plan.
Feedback closes at midnight on Friday, March 28, with Mayor Shane Sali encouraging people to provide their feedback before the closing date.
“We want to hear from residents to understand how they believe rate revenue can be distributed in the fairest and most equitable way across properties within Greater Shepparton,” Cr Sali said.
“This is your chance to provide feedback to council and help shape the upcoming document.
“I encourage everyone to jump on to the Shaping Greater Shepp website to have a read of the information available and provide your thoughts.”
Once feedback closes, a draft Revenue and Rating Plan will be developed and presented at the April council meeting.
Further community consultation will then be undertaken ahead of the final plan being presented for adoption at the June council meeting.
To have your say, visit
To find out more or to speak to someone from council, phone 5832 9700 or email