Elena Hyland has lived in her Gange St home for the past six months and watched in horror as the street in front of her house flooded, before the water flowed across half her front lawn.
Earlier in the day she had dumped a pile of soil on her front nature strip in readiness to do up her back garden.
By that night, half of it had floated away. The other half sat like an island surrounded by water.
“I’ve never seen anything flood so quickly in my life,” she said.
A fairly sleepless night followed for a worried Ms Hyland as she continued to check to see if the water would rise any further.
At 3am, it was still over the footpath, and rubbish bins that had been put out for collection were floating in the street.
By 6am, the water had receded enough that vehicles could drive through it, and by 10am, when she checked again, it had drained away.
By lunchtime Wednesday, she was trying to clean up the mess left behind.
Ms Hyland said her street always flooded when there was heavy rain, an insight neighbour Marita Anderson echoed.
Ms Anderson believed the drains were blocked, and called on Greater Shepparton City Council to fix them.
“Until the gutter system is fixed it will keep happening,” she said.
She was also frustrated by vehicles that drove through the water on Thursday night.
“People think they can go through in their four-wheel drive, but they don’t slow down, and they push the water up (on to properties further).”