God’s covenant was initially only for the descendants of Abraham; they were God’s own chosen people.
When Jesus came back into the world He came to extend the covenant to include every person under heaven who put their faith in Jesus as their Saviour.
Apostle Paul, after conversion, was given the task of taking the message of reconciliation to the other nations. Before his conversion he had persecuted, arrested and killed many of the followers of Jesus.
Jesus appeared to Paul on the Damascus road and transformed him into probably the greatest apostle and evangelist of all time.
God chose someone with a murderous heart and transformed him into a messenger of love and reconciliation.
This week I have been pondering the endless treasures found in Christ. The first for me is God’s unique ability to transform any person’s heart no matter how dark, into a heart filled with love and compassion for others.
Another treasure we receive is the gift of the Holy Spirit who comes to live in us to empower us, to guide us, to teach us and to comfort us in every situation we find ourselves. We are given the gift of eternal life, another of the endless treasures.
The moment we receive Jesus our eternity begins with Him. This life we live is like the blink of an eye in comparison to the time we will spend in the presence of our Lord.
The treasures are countless, He is our hope, He is our anchor, He is our protector, He is our restorer and He is our healer.
If you have come to know Jesus as your Saviour then spend this week reflecting on the endless treasures He has brought into your life.
Prayer: Open my eyes to see the endless treasures that are mine in Christ, and help me to live gratefully and passionately!
~ Contributed by J Robertson