Regenerative Hemp Victoria president Lyn Stephenson is keen to encourage more farmers to be involved in this emerging industry.
“It’s vital for the industry to expand the grower base,” Ms Stephenson said.
“This will help ensure a continuous supply of raw product to satisfy the increasing demand.”
Regenerative Hemp Victoria is hosting a special introduction to growing industrial hemp at a field day on Wednesday, February 14 at the Koyuga property of Peter Bird.
Mr Bird grew his first trial crop this season with two varieties and is looking to expand his operation significantly next season.
“Field day participants will gain an enormous amount of understanding of hemp as they tour the crop,” Ms Stephenson said.
“They will hear detailed presentations from industry experts and existing hemp growers.
“There will be in-depth Q&A sessions.”
Ms Stephenson said the field day was aimed to generate interest in farmers from Victoria and southern NSW.
“That area is ideally suited to the summer growing of hemp,” she said.
“Its extensive irrigation networks and the abundance of lucerne-growing soils are well suited to hemp.
“Hemp also responds well to the heat units in the region.”
Information about the simple licence application process will be provided on the day.
Booking details for the industrial hemp field day can be found at: