The kiosk at the Echuca Port Area has been inundated by floodwater.
Photo by
Steve Huntley
A community meeting at Echuca East on Monday was told to expect the Murray River to peak at 95.9m (AHD) at Echuca Wharf.
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That would make the flood the highest recorded since 1870, when the river reached 96.2m.
Hundreds of homes were impacted by the flood waters, continuing the devastation felt by the Rochester community.
As of 8am today, the Murray River was at 94.25m AHD.
EARLIER: The flood threat for Echuca Moama remains despite the Campaspe River hitting its peak on Sunday afternoon.
A major flood warning is in place for the Murray River.
The floodwaters on the Goulburn and Campaspe rivers combined with flows down the Murray River are expected to cause major flooding at Echuca Moama in the coming days.
At 7am Monday, the Murray River was at 94.24m AHD.
The Murray River at Echuca Wharf was expected to exceed the major flood level (94.40m AHD) on Monday and reach around 95.00m AHD on Wednesday and Thursday, with major flooding.
As this flood water moves downstream, river level rises and significant major flooding is expected at Torrumbarry and Barham.
The Murray River at Torrumbarry Weir may reach around 7.85 metres around 24-29 October, with major flooding.
This is higher than the January 1974 flood.
The BOM said forecasts will be updated as upstream peaks are observed along the along the Goulburn and Campaspe Rivers.
The Campaspe River hit a peak of 96.25m AHD in Echuca on Sunday afternoon.
As of 11.54pm on Sunday night, the river was at 96.18m and falling slowly.
Water from the Campaspe River being pumped out on Monday morning. Photo: Bransen Gibson
But the BOM said the river is expected to remain around 96.20m on Monday morning due to elevated Murray River levels.
The major flood warning remains for the Campaspe River with major flooding expected to continue for several days.
The evacuate immediately warning is in place for parts of Echuca and Echuca Village.
An evacuate immediately warning, re-issued by VicEmergency at 6.04am Monday, was in place for parts of Echuca and Echuca Village.
Residents in Echuca Village can expect to be impacted over the coming days.
If you are located in the warning areas, it is recommended you evacuate Immediately. If you do not relocate now you may become isolated for a number of days.
If you choose to stay, emergency services may not be able to help you.
The evacuation route is currently open but may not stay that way.
The Bendigo Emergency Relief Centre (Bendigo Showgrounds) is being utilised as primary Relief Centre for the area.
People should expect that there may be a requirement to be moved to Bendigo from Echuca Emergency Relief Centre (Echuca South Basketball Stadium).
Flood water is impacting water and sewerage systems in Echuca.
Campaspe Shire Council held a Flood Preparation Community Meeting at Echuca East Primary School Oval on Monday.
The meeting was livestreamed via this Facebook page - however residents living in this area were strongly encouraged to attend in person.
Echuca Regional Health said the hospital’s emergency department was accessible via 226 Service St, Echuca and open 24/7.