Originally established in 1997, ERH hopes the relaunch of the foundation will bring it back to the attention of the community.
“We want people to know there is a foundation at ERH people can donate to or leave a bequest to,” ERH Foundation chair Suzanna Barry said.
“The funds are held in perpetuity so the interest that is earned on donations is used for the hospital – for things like equipment and staff development.
“This is an opportunity to make a lasting difference and health is important to everyone. We all share that same desire to have great facilities here in Echuca.”
ERH palliative care nurse Jan Carey has already benefitted from the foundation, receiving $10,000 towards postgraduate studies this year.
“It’s allowed me to learn more skills related to symptoms of dying and communication with people who are at the end of their life,” Ms Carey said.
“The foundation is a wonderful thing supporting the ongoing work of the hospital.”
The ERH Foundation has developed a 2019-2020 wishlist, which includes medical equipment that will help the hospital improve the care it provides to the community.
The list includes:
Phillips PageWriter TC30 ECG Machine – 1 Unit at $6305 each
Recording of an electrocardiogram shows the electrical activity of the heart including heart rate and rhythm for diagnostic purposes.
Department: Pre-operative clinic. To support increased activity. Item currently borrowed from other departments.
Phillips SureSigns Vs2 Vital Signs Monitor – 2 Units at $2267 each
This monitor provides quick and accurate measurement of vital signs including blood pressure, heart rate, respirations, pulse and temperature. This equipment uses the same accessories as the rest of the Phillips equipment, which ensures standardised training, ordering and use for staff.
Department: Consulting suites for use during consultation.
Stainless Steel Trolley – Airway Management – 1 Unit at $1600 each
To store life-saving equipment close at hand for management of the airway and breathing of critically ill patients in the High Dependency Unit. This trolley will enable consistency of practice for staff between HDU and the Emergency Department.
Department: HDU, to replace inadequate equipment.
Verathon Bladder Scan Prime Plus – 1 Unit at $17,000 each
A portable 3D ultrasound device that quickly, accurately and non-invasively measures urinary bladder volume in adult patients to help health care providers diagnose, manage and treat urinary outflow dysfunction.
Department: Residential in Reach and Hospital in the Home. To support the care of patients outside the hospital.
Olympus Bronchoscope – 1 Unit at $32,600 each
Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic technique of visualising the inside of the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Department: Operating suite. Currently using borrowed equipment.
If you are interested in purchasing an item from the list, contact Shari Butcher on 5485 5087 or email sbutcher@erh.org.au