Progress: The Echuca East Recreation Reserve redevelopment is well under way. Photo: Steve Huntley
The Echuca East Recreation Reserve redevelopment is progressing, with construction on the community building’s roof and interior starting this week.
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Stage one of the project, which will transform the space with a new multi-purpose community building and recreational areas, is on track to be completed by the end of February.
Structural steel for the community building has been installed, the car park and roadway have been sealed and the playground is partially constructed.
“The $6.94 million redevelopment of the Echuca East Recreation Reserve is progressing well,” Campaspe Shire Mayor Chrissy Weller said.
“We are currently in stage one of the project, which includes the construction of a large community building, parking spaces and playground.
“We can’t wait to see the first community group use the building or the first little adventurer climbing on the playground.”
Stage two works, which include the redevelopment of open spaces, dog zones, community group storage shed and a second toilet block, are scheduled for completion in October next year.
The reserve is used by a number of community groups and is also enjoyed by residents for recreation and dog walking.
Community space: Stage one of the redevelopment is scheduled for completion by the end of February 2022. Photo: Steve Huntley