The Bureau of Meteorology rain gauge recorded a total of 27.4mm of rain in the city for the month.
This is well down on the historical mean over the past 28 years of 40.2mm of rain in July.
It rained on 18 days this year, with the highest daily rainfall recorded in the 24 hours to 9am on July 9 where 7.2mm fell.
Of all the rainy days, there was less than 1mm of rain on 11 of them.
The historical mean number of days of rain is 14.2, meaning there were more rainy days than usual this year.
However, rainfall less than 1mm is usually only recorded on eight days of the month.
The highest ever rainfall for July saw 137.2mm recorded in 1995.
The highest ever amount of rain in one day in July was 42mm on July 24, 2003.
Temperatures in July this year were around normal.
The mean daytime temperature for the month was 13.3°C – down from a historical mean over the past 28 years of 13.4°C.
The hottest day saw the temperature rise to 17.3°C on July 23, while the coldest day was a chilly 10.6°C on July 19.
Night-time temperatures were also close to usual, with a mean of 3°C – down from a historical mean of 3.4°C.
The mercury dropped into the negative figures overnight eight times for the month, with the first seven nights and the last night of July below freezing.
This is more nights below zero than usual, with the historical mean being 6.3.
The coldest night saw temperatures drop to an icy -2.2°C on July 31, while the warmest night saw the temperature drop to only 9.9°C on July 9.